Technik continues its look into bagging options with the next set of video shorts in its Quick Bytes series. These videos cover some additional options for bag designs, as well as answering some common questions we hear from both new and experienced packagers.
Why are some common packages a certain way? Why don’t they have features, like recloseability, that consumers seem to want? In many cases, there are practical reasons for these quirks. In others, there’s a prime opportunity for companies and brands to capitalize on an underserved market with unique packaging, and Technik is ready to help.
Whether you have a new spin on a classic product, or a totally new concept, it’s important to make packaging decisions that both protect your product and help it stand out from the competition. Check out the videos below for more background on different bag packaging options, and reach out to us when you’re ready for a trusted packaging partner to help turn your plans into action.
How Do Bags Work? Part 5: Where’s My Product??
How Do Bags Work? Part 6: Unique Bag Designs
How Do Bags Work? Part 7: Bottom Gusset Bags
How Do Bags Work? Part 8: Cereal Bags
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